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Competition law compliance policies



本竞争法合规政策(“合规政策”)经ICS和Marisec董事会(统称“董事会”)认真考虑后批准并通过, and a copy has been circulated to all the members of ICS (the “Members”).


理事会认识到,国际船东协会作为国家船东协会的国际协会的独特结构意味着国际船东协会的活动最不可能违反竞争法. 国际航运协会不参与任何商业市场的竞争,其活动的主要目的是在国际一级加强航运业的安全和技术标准. As such, ICS不从事对商业市场竞争有任何影响的经济活动.

ICS and Marisec recognise that Marisec does engage in commercial activities, including carrying on a publications business, and that those activities must comply with competition law. 董事会认识到遵守竞争法的根本重要性.

Accordingly, 董事会认为,通过本合规政策提醒ICS成员/ Marisec员工一般竞争法的基本原则,并强调可能与ICS和Marisec具体相关的领域是适当的.

Complying with competition law is the responsibility of every Member, director, employee, it is important that you:-

a. Read this policy;

b. 你是否意识到你应该或不应该采取的关键行动来适应竞争.

c. 参加由ICS / Marisec或其代表组织的任何竞赛合规培训;

d. Refer to the policy in carrying out your activities. 如果您有任何疑问或担忧,请与ICS法律团队交谈并听取他们的建议和指导.

如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请通过电子邮件向首席总监(法律)咨询 here. They will discuss your questions or concerns in confidence.


Compliance with competition law is of primary importance to ICS and Marisec. As such, ICS和Marisec的政策是完全遵守所有适用的竞争法,包括但不限于在美利坚合众国颁布的此类法律和法规, the European Union and the United Kingdom, including the Sherman Antitrust Act 1890, Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the Competition Act 1998, the Enterprise Act 2002, the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 and all associated legislation, guidelines and notices. ICS和Marisec旨在培养一种遵守竞争法的文化,正是本着这种精神,ICS和Marisec采用了本合规政策. ICS和Marisec的活动不仅在形式上而且在实质上都必须遵守竞争法和本合规政策.

The Boards recognise that breach of competition law exposes ICS and its Members, and Marisec, to the risk of heavy fines, 与竞争调查有关的法院命令、巨额费用和不良宣传. 个人也可能面临刑事制裁和取消董事资格的命令.


此外,违反竞争法是违反员工与Marisec的雇佣合同. It could lead to written warnings and possibly dismissal, and it could be treated as gross misconduct, 特别是如果在采取任何行动之前没有听取ICS法律小组的建议.


竞争法对待行业协会的活动就像对待竞争者之间任何其他形式的合作一样:没有特别的竞争法制度. So, whilst trade associations often perform legitimate and valuable functions, like any other form of cooperation between competitors, the activities of trade associations are capable of breaching competition law. 就竞争法而言,行业协会的决定或建议被视为其成员之间的协议. 即使行业协会的决定或建议对会员没有约束力,也可能违反竞争法.


It is recognised that the following are serious breaches of competition law:

  • 以定价、限制折扣、回扣为目的或者起作用的协议;
  • Agreements limiting output or production, allocating markets or customers;
  • Agreements to exchange current and specific information on price, capacity, costs and other commercially sensitive information;
  • Collective boycotts or other coordinated measures intended to eliminate competitors; and
  • 减缓技术发展或以其他方式开发市场的协调措施.

因此,国际商会不得作为成员就任何这些事项进行协调的手段. 国际商会也不得用作促进达成或执行任何此类反竞争协议或谅解的讨论论坛.

此外,Marisec不应从事竞争法禁止的任何活动, in carrying out its commercial activities.


  1. Coordination with other Trade Associations on Terms of Membership
    ICS不得就会员费问题与其他船东协会和雇主协会或类似机构进行协调, 向会员提供的服务或任何其他可能影响协会之间竞争的会员条款. 协会之间的讨论必须避免此类商业敏感话题.
  2. Terms of Membership
    已从竞争法的角度对ICS成员的接纳规则和成员条件进行了审查,以确保其透明, proportionate, non-discriminatory and based on objective standards. 开除会员的程序应以合理、客观的标准为依据.
  3. Commercial Negotiations
    ICS should not engage in joint buying or selling on behalf of Members. 在竞争法中,只有当各方的市场份额加起来很低时,才允许买卖协调. ICS可代表其成员就价格、数量、市场或开展经济活动的地域等竞争参数进行磋商或不涉及谈判的讨论.
  4. Information Exchange
    Information relating to the parameters of competition, such as price, 产能或成本不应在成员之间交换,除非这种交换具有足够的历史意义或已经累积,使竞争对手无法辨别彼此的商业战略.交换汇总的数据,以便将足够数量的独立企业合并在一起,从而不可能识别个别竞争者,原则上并不违反竞争法. Even so, ICS不得用于交换非基于大发黄金版网页版的容量预测, even in aggregated form.

    Similarly exchange of historic data does not in principle breach competition law. 尽管在很大程度上取决于个人情况——关键在于所交换的信息是否仍然与会员当前或未来的商业战略相关——但不到一年的个性化商业数据通常不被视为具有历史意义. 数据交换越频繁,违反竞争法的可能性就越大.

    In addition to the exchange of historical and/or sufficiently aggregated data, 交换已经在公共领域的信息或与诸如技术或环境标准等竞争参数无关的信息不太可能引起竞争法问题.

  5. Technical Standards, Codes of Conduct and Recommendations
    ICS的协调活动(ICS会员之间以及ICS与其他行业协会之间)不太可能引起竞争法方面的关注,因为这种协调的唯一目标和效果是执行技术协定或实现技术合作. Likewise, 与执行环境标准有关的协调通常不会违反竞争法. Conversely, ICS must not be used for competitors to coordinate on price, capacity or any other parameter of competition.航运业的行为守则或其他形式的指导不得用作竞争性协调的手段. 如果它们涉及技术和安全标准,而不包括对价格或市场/客户分配等竞争事项的指导,它们不太可能引起竞争法方面的关注.
  6. Standard Terms and Conditions
    当成员有义务根据标准条款和条件订立合同时,标准条款和条件更有可能违反竞争法. 因此,各成员如愿意,仍可自由采用不同的条款和条件, 同时承认在海洋工业中,合同的标准形式是规范, they are usually applied on different commercial terms for each transaction.Standard terms and conditions must not establish uniform price tariffs; this is the equivalent to an agreement to fix prices and one of the most serious infringements of competition law. 即使是建议价格,如果这导致价格行为的协调,也可能违反竞争法.

    标准条款和条件还可能通过在其他竞争要素上建立协调而影响竞争,从而降低成员在非价格因素上竞争的能力或动机. Standard terms and conditions that benefit customers, 例如,使顾客更容易比较会员所提供的条款,可能是合理的. 在任何情况下,标准条款和条件的限制不得超过实现合法目标所必需的限制.

  7. “Off the agenda” discussions
    会员或其代表不得利用ICS作为在ICS正式业务之外从事反竞争行为的机会. ICS should diligently prepare an agenda for any meetings, circulate this agenda prior to any meetings of ICS, accurate minutes of discussions should be taken, including of any other business that may be raised, 代表们在所有会议开始时都提醒遵守竞争法的重要性.


ICS的每一位员工/ Marisec的每一位员工必须尽一切努力完全按照竞争法行事. 委员会主席有特别责任确保国际商会委员会的活动不违反竞争法. 委员会主席应立即向秘书长和主席报告任何实际或怀疑违反竞争法的行为. ICS秘书处成员/ Marisec雇员如怀疑或发现任何违反竞争法的行为,应向秘书长/常务董事报告,由常务董事向主席报告.

If, in the course of its activities with other trade organisations, ICS一旦意识到反竞争行为,就必须采取积极措施,明确表示反对这种行为:在会议上保持沉默是不够的. 在调查的情况下,ICS将承担举证责任,以表明其不赞成, therefore ICS must make sure that these objections are accurately documented, and it should retain copies of relevant documents.

ICS应定期进行内部竞争法遵守情况审计,以确定和解决任何令人关切的领域. 作为审计的一部分,应邀请个人报告ICS内部发生的任何反竞争行为的知识或怀疑. 如果ICS对其行为是否符合竞争法有疑问,它应寻求专业的法律意见.

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